Each fellowship comprises 50.000 Euro. The duration of each fellowship is 12 months. The research project should start within 6 months after granting the fellowship.
Use of funding
This award is intended to be the fellow’s primary salary support, equivalent to the usual and customary salaries of individuals in comparable positions at the host institution, and will also inculde travel costs. The host institution is responsible for providing the fellow the respective research environment. i.e. the capacity to perform high-level research in PsA.
Final report
Each fellow must submit a final report to the PARTNER Scientific Board at the end of the fellowship, presenting the results of her/his research project and her/his future plans.
All publications (as well as abstracts of presentations at scientific meetings) that result from a project supported by this PARTNER Fellowship must carry the following acknowledgement: “This research was conducted while (name of fellow) was a PARTNER Fellow.”
If you would like to apply for a PARTNER Fellowship, please first contact the host of your preferred center personally. This will allow you to discuss your project idea in advance and adapt it to the research focus of the respective center.
Contact of host center
Project applications will need to be send to the PARTNER Fellowship Office by January 31st, 2023.